‘SOLO’ winds up nationwide tour this month

Solo the official Games Mascot with the Kids

Solo the official 2023 Pacific Games (Sol2023) Mascot will complete its nationwide tour of Solomon Islands this month (February).

Since debuting in August last year (2022), the fuzzy yellow, fan loving turtle mascot had been on a nationwide journey that reached far down as the Shortland Islands in the west, to Makira/Ulawa provinces, the furthest to the east Solo has by far reached.

The nationwide tour Solo had been on the past five months (August to January) is part of the Sol2023 Pacific Games Community Engagement program aimed at generating public awareness – getting people to know about and get people excited about this year’s Games.

The past five months has taken Solo to Makira/Ulawa, Central Islands, Guadalcanal, Isabel, Rennell and Bellona, Choiseul and Western provinces.

Solo started its tour of Malaita province mid-January, visiting West Are’Are, East Are’Are and Small Malaita respectively.

Upon its return to Honiara this week, Solo will then travel to Temotu province before returning for a second tour to the northern regions of Malaita province – wrapping up its nationwide tour by the end of February.

Meanwhile, straight after the completion of the nationwide Mascot tour, GOC will then launch its Games Ambassadors tour in March.

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