Enhanced Security Measures in Place to Monitor Spectator Behavior at Sol2023 Pacific Games

Security at the National Stadium namely Sport City

The Games Organising committee (GOC) who is responsible to deliver the games from November 19th to December 2nd will improve security for spectator behaviors during Games time.

With the increasing number of athletes, team officials, visitors, and attendees at the Sol2023 Pacific Games, ensuring appropriate public behavior has become a major concern.

As a result, strict security measures have been put in place to effectively manage spectator conduct during the Sol2023 Pacific Games.

The spectator behaviours includes;

• Certain items are prohibited within the venues anyone in possession of any of the prohibited items will not be allowed in the competition venues.

• GOC kindly request all attendees to adhere to the dress code guidelines to maintain a respectful and comfortable environment for all.

• Smoking and betelnut are strictly prohibited within the venues. Let’s keep the air clean and enjoyable for everyone.

• Littering: Please refrain from littering within the competition venues.

• Engaging in fights or arguments is not acceptable. We encourage everyone to be respectful and considerate to fellow spectators.

During games time Responsible authorities will be actively monitoring these areas, and anyone found breaching these Spectator Public Behavior guidelines will be removed from the competition venue.

Full Range Security Services (FRSS) is currently responsible for security at the sport city. They are fully committed to carrying out their duties as mandated by the Games Organizing Committee (GOC) and are following all the required security protocols and procedures outlined in their contract.

The Sol2023 Pacific Games are the biggest regional sporting event and a first-time opportunity for the Solomon Islands to host. The Games Organizing Committee is dedicated to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants and attendees.

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